Little Flower

To The Students


  • Every student should bring the school diary daily to the school to facilitate the Principal/teachers to convey any information or request to the parents/guardians through the diary. If the parents/guardians are asked to meet the Principal/Teachers, they must do it without fail.
  • All pupils are expected to be present for the assembly during which they pray together and no one is to stay in the class room without obtaining prior permission.
  • No student shall be allowed to go out or to be taken out of the school compound without obtaining the ‘out pass’ from the Principal. The out pass shall not be issued unless the Principal is convinced of the genuineness of the need and the credentials of the person who has come with the request to take the student from the school for whatever purpose.
  • Personal cleanliness and grooming are expected of every student. The school uniform must be clean, well pressed and complete without any type of decorations. Students coming to the school with untidy dress, hair etc, will be fined and if not corrected will be asked to bring their parents to explain the reason.
  • The class-teachers are duty bound to check diligently the uniform of the students regularly. They should regularly insist on the hair-style of the boys and girls that they follow the regulation of the school.
  • The school will not entertain any anonymous letters. Instead, every parent is permitted to lodge any of their complaints or suggestions through the suggestion box or through the provided provisions.
  • The Principal has the right to confiscate books, newspapers, periodicals, mobile phone and other items which may be considered objectionable. No student should possess any unauthorized sharp instrument or any lethal weapon which is in no way related to the study materials and neither should they bring any contraband items. Intoxicants, drugs or anything objectionable to any inmate of the school. If any such material is found in the possession of anyone, he/she will be suspended from the school with immediate effect, and if the evil intention of the possessor is proved he/she will be debarred from attending this school.
  • Giving presents or gifts to the members of the staff or any other demonstration in their honor also requires previous sanction of the Principal.
  • Care must be taken for all school property and no pupil should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the wall, or in any way damage school property or things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal. Any damage done must be made good by the one who does it. Anyone who sees something damaged should report the matter even if he/she does not know who had done it. No Pupil should bring razor blade or any sharp instruments unwarranted to school.
  • Students are not permitted to wear such wrist watches which functions as minicomputers or mobile phones which can be made use to do clandestine activities in the class and in the school campus.
  • Running, playing, shouting and whistling inside the school building is never allowed.
